Adamo Muskingum River Power Plant

Adamo Videos 2019 05 01 10.04.37

Adamo Muskingum River Power Plant

 Work continued for the Adamo Group at the site of the former Muskingum River Power Plant near Beverly, Ohio. At 6:30am on Friday May 18th, 2018, the Adamo Group brought down the hyperbolic cooling tower and adjacent stack with a series of controlled implosions. The cooling tower and stack began operation in 1968 and were part of Unit 5 of the former coal fed power plant.

At its peak, the plant ran 6500 tons of coal through the plant a day. The stack stood at 825 feet (nearly 70 stories tall) while the hyperbolic cooling tower was 370 feet tall and 395 feet diameter at the base. The cooling tower had once held 2.9 million gallons of water.

Adamo Group used a series of charged explosives to bring down the two structures safely, landing precisely where they had predicted.

Adamo Group’s Ohio Implosion Goes Off Perfectly

Adamo Videos 2019 05 01 10.03.53

Adamo Group's Ohio Implosion Goes Off Perfectly

 Commissioned in 1953, the Muskingum River Power Plant Units 1-4 were among the oldest active in the United States. The Adamo Group has been meticulously dismantling the plant since mid-2015 with an emphasis on maximizing the recycling of as many materials as possible. The planning and execution of the implosion of the Unit 1-4 boiler buildings had to be precise so as not to damage the live switch yard, less than 160 feet away

On November 12, 2017, Adamo Group safely brought down the buildings in seconds after years of planning their removal. The implosion went perfectly and Adamo Group’s effort to prevent damage to the live switch yard was successful.

Adamo Group implodes former AEP Muskingum Unit 5 Boiler

Adamo Videos 2019 05 01 10.03.34

Adamo Group implodes former AEP Muskingum Unit 5 Boiler

 On August 6th 2016, Adamo Group completed an implosion at the 12 story unit 5 boiler building at the Muskingum River Power Plant near Beverly Ohio.


At the former AEP owned plant, Unit 5 was capable of generating 615.2 Megawatts of electricity during peak operation. One megawatt is capable of serving approximately 1,000 houses so this particular unit represented roughly power to over 600,000 customers. The plant was shuttered in 2015 as part of AEP’s plan to reduce carbon emissions and one of 11 coal plants AEP closed.

The felling of the boiler building in Unit 5 went as planned at exactly 8 AM on Saturday morning and without incident. Despite exhaustive abatement and remediation, a small flare from coal dust was expected to burn off within a few seconds and did. Adamo Group was assisted by Pettigrew, Inc. who placed and executed the charges.

The Adamo Group has been a leader in the demolition industry for over 50 years. Since 1964, dedication, commitment, knowledge and experience have been the cornerstones of every project for Adamo. If you would like to put Adamo to work for your business, please contact us at (313) 892-7330 or click the contact us link at the top of this page.