On November 20, 2017 the Adamo Group used 5000 pounds of explosives to bring down the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. Richard Adamo, president of the Adamo Group, had the honor of pressing the button to begin the implosion at 7:30am that frigid Monday morning. People from all over the city watched from various vantage points as the dome came down in a short 12 seconds without incident. The preparations, which began for the project over a year earlier, culminated on Monday morning in the successful felling of the structure without damage to the nearby buildings.
One of the biggest challenges for the Adamo team was how to implode the dome without damaging the brand new Mercedes Benz Stadium only 83 feet away. A large temporary barrier set up between the two buildings during the implosion aided in protecting the new stadium. Additionally, Adamo attacked the upper concrete ring, which was nearly 26 feet across and 8 feet deep to insure the building fell as intended. The nearly half mile long concrete ring had buttressed the world’s largest cable-supported fabric roof on the nearly 29 story structure.
Adamo Group will continue work at the site, processing the materials produced from the implosion. 97% of all materials from the building will be recycled and reused.
Adamo Group has been a leader in the demolition industry for over 50 years. Since 1964, our dedication, commitment, knowledge and experience have been the cornerstones of every project. If you would like to put Adamo to work for your business, please contact us at (313) 892-7330 or click the contact us link at the top of this page.